
Travel FAQ

What is Travel Insurance and why should I get it?

We strongly suggest guests purchase travel insurance – either in conjunction with your booking or from another provider. If we have learned anything in the past couple of years, it’s that you never know what can happen. It’s important to be prepared for anything. Protect your investment and get peace of mind by purchasing travel insurance.

We have partnered with IMG (International Medical Group) to offer three Travel Insurance plan options. Click below to compare the different policies and get quotes.  You purchase your policy directly with IMG, any corrections or changes must be directed to them within 10 days of your policy purchase.  Please be sure to read your policy as soon as you receive it by email.

You can add insurance to your reservation at the time of booking or later on, but keep in mind you MUST purchase a plan within 20 days of your initial deposit if you want Cancel For Any Reason coverage, if you have a pre-existing condition, or if you want cancellation because of work to be covered.

What travel documents do I need?

  • You MUST have a valid Passport to fly to Mexico.
  • Please note, immigration procedures have changed at CUN Airport. Immigration cards are no longer distributed. Please make sure you receive an exit stamp when proceeding through customs.
  • Any guest that does not present an exit stamp is subject to a 16% VAT tax.

Is airfare included in the trip cost?

  • No. All guests are responsible for booking their own airfare.

What airport should I fly into?

  • Cancun International Airport (CUN).

How far are the resorts from the airport?

  • Hard Rock and Barcelo are located about 60 minutes from the Cancun International Airport.

I plan on renting a car. Is resort parking included?

  • Yes! There is free parking available at both resorts if you choose to rent a car.

I purchased the shuttle. How do I add my flight information?

  • Log into your Cloud 9 Account and select the button “Enter Flight Info”.
  • Please only add the portion of your flight info that directly arrives and departs to/from Cancun International Airport (CUN). (If you are on a flight with a layover, we only need the portion of the flight that pertains to arriving/departing CUN).

What if my flight is delayed?

  • If your flight is delayed, Amstar will track your arrival time and make the proper accommodations.
  • However, if you book a completely new flight or new arrival date, contact the Travel Team immediately to let us know.

Do I need to add the shuttle for my kids?

  • All children, regardless of age, who are taking the event’s shuttle must purchase transportation.
  • Car seats for children under 2 are available upon request. Please add this request in your transportation notes after purchasing.  Booster seats for children over 2 are not available.
  • If you would like to bring your own car seat, most airlines will allow you to check it free of charge. Please  reach out to your booked airline for more information.

What is the currency in Mexico?

  • The local currency is Pesos; however, US Dollars are also accepted. Please note, your change may be returned in Pesos.

Do I tip while in Mexico? If so, how much?

  • Tipping is not expected, but a couple bucks here or there is always appreciated and goes a long way.

Do the resorts have an ATM?

  • Yes, you can find an ATM at both resorts.

What should I pack?

Passport • Sunglasses • Hat • Sunscreen & Aloe • Bug Spray • Reusable Bottle/Cup/Straw • Rain Gear • Warm Clothes • Swimsuits • Pool Float • Ear Plugs

What should I NOT pack?

  • No illegal substances, weapons, drones, or pets.
  • The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and all laws pertaining to drug use must be respected.

Can I bring my camera?

  • You may bring any kind of camera to the event to shoot your vacation; however, professional camera equipment for filming and photography during the shows is prohibited.
  • Drones are banned from the event.

Do I need an electrical converter?

  • No. Mexico operates on the same 120V plug-in as the United States.
  • There are limited outlets in the rooms, so bringing a power strip can be helpful.
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